With mounting interest in clean and sustainable energy, Brazil’s bioelectricity sector can serve as an innovative and effective example of alternative fuel for the international energy community. Using biomass from sugar cane, Brazil can generate 3 times as much energy as the Belo Monte hydroeletric dam complex in northern Brazil. Unlike the controversial dam, the energy from biomass comes with neutral environmental impact and saves approximately 1/3 of the infrastructure costs.
Our goal was to sensitize civil society, the Brazilian power sector and the media to the benefits of biomass fuel. We coordinated a fully integrated campaign involving corporate identity, bilingual catalogs, home page and PR actions, which launched at the 2010 Ethanol Summit with focus on press and environmental regulators.
O Brasil pode gerar mais de 13.000 megawatts/ano de energia utilizando a biomassa da cana-de-açúcar – isso equivale a 3 usinas de Belo Monte – com impacto ambiental neutro e economia em infra estrutura. Visando sensibilizar a sociedade civil, o setor elétrico bem como leilões de energia e a imprensa, coordenamos uma campanha completa, lançada durante o Ethanol Summit 2010 envolvendo identidade corporativa, catálogos bilingües, sinalização, home page e filmes do setor trabalhando ativamente imprensa e reguladores.
With mounting interest in clean and sustainable energy, Brazil’s bioelectricity sector can serve as an innovative and effective example of alternative fuel for the international energy community. Using biomass from sugar cane, Brazil can generate 3 times as much energy as the Belo Monte hydroeletric dam complex in northern Brazil. Unlike the controversial dam, the energy from biomass comes with neutral environmental impact and saves approximately 1/3 of the infrastructure costs.
Our goal was to sensitize civil society, the Brazilian power sector and the media to the benefits of biomass fuel. We coordinated a fully integrated campaign involving corporate identity, bilingual catalogs, home page and PR actions, which launched at the 2010 Ethanol Summit with focus on press and environmental regulators.
O Brasil pode gerar mais de 13.000 megawatts/ano de energia utilizando a biomassa da cana-de-açúcar - isso equivale a 3 usinas de Belo Monte - com impacto ambiental neutro e economia em infra estrutura. Visando sensibilizar a sociedade civil, o setor elétrico bem como leilões de energia e a imprensa, coordenamos uma campanha completa, lançada durante o Ethanol Summit 2010 envolvendo identidade corporativa, catálogos bilingües, sinalização, home page e filmes do setor trabalhando ativamente imprensa e reguladores.